Dr. Sophia Chachula, ND

Our Blogs

Can a Plant-Based diet be the Secret to Clear Skin?

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that develops on the skin when pores become clogged with sebum, dead skin, and bacteria. As much as acne is a topical condition, there is also a major...

The Sugar-Skin Connection

Have you ever heard of the term “sugar face”? I first heard it on a podcast with Dr. Nigma Talib who coined the popular term to describe the results that excess sugar consumption has on your face...

What to Look for in a Prenatal Vitamin

Not all Prenatal Vitamins are created equally. Prenatal vitamins are an essential part of pregnancy care and their use has been shown to reduce the chances of neural tube defects of your growing fetus...

The Best Oils for Acne Scarring

What are acne scars and how many different kinds are there? There are usually three different kinds of acne scars that people refer to: 1. Rosehip Seed Oil Not only is rosehip seed oil beneficial for...

Rules to Choosing Non-Toxic Products

We know that a lot of research points to the negative health effects of certain chemicals in personal care products (like soaps, lotions, and makeup) and the potential accumulation of harmful...