Dr. Sophia Chachula, ND

Clinical Focus



Addressing the underlying causes of your hormonal imbalances with a clinical focus in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Post-Birth Control Syndrome, Premenstrual support, Menopause support and more.



Addressing the root cause of infertility and optimizing women’s health for conception. Working with both male and female partners to optimize their bodies and environments including supporting the body through infertility treatments such as IVF.

Pregnancy & Newborn

Pregnancy & Newborn

Supporting women’s bodies throughout their pregnancies and postpartum. Optimizing the health of newborn babies by supporting their immune system, balancing their gastrointestinal tract, optimizing cognition, and assisting with overall health and well-being.



Finding the root cause of digestive concerns and optimizing gut health and digestive functioning. Naturopathic treatments aim to support the microbiome and proper enzyme function, reduce inflammation, and ensure proper nutrient absoption.



Treating your skin from within. Discovering the root cause of skin conditions including acne, rosacea, eczema, premature aging, fungal infections and providing treatment plans aimed addressing internal imbalances.